Seated behind a Redditor on a flight was a family of three, their son directly behind the Redditor.

“About 10 minutes into the flight, the kid behind me starts kicking my seat. To be clear, he wasn’t very little, maybe 9 or 10. I let my dad know and he politely asks him to stop, and he does… for about 10 seconds. We tell him again (more firmly this time), but no luck,” the Redditor recounted.

Fed up, the Redditor’s father decided to retaliate by reclining his seat as far back as possible, ignoring the family’s requests to raise it.

The Redditor labeled the kid’s father “Jerk Dad” and detailed their interaction with a flight attendant.

“JD: This man put his seat down, and my wife is uncomfortable.
FA (to my dad): Would you like to keep it down?
My dad: Yes, please.
FA: Well then, he can if he wants to. That’s not his problem. Have a nice flight.”

The parents eventually silenced their son but continued to glare at the Redditor, their father, and the flight attendant. Though the Redditor’s father kept the seat reclined for an hour, he eventually rose, satisfied that the parents had learned their lesson.

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