Your electricity bill will rise significantly

Unplugging devices when not in use is a simple way to save on your electricity bill. Here are five common culprits that can drive up costs:

Desktop Computer: Even in standby mode, desktops and their peripherals consume significant power. Unplug them when not in use.
Microwave: Microwaves draw small amounts of power on standby. Unplug it if you won’t use it for a while.
Television: Modern TVs still use electricity when off. Unplug them after use to avoid waste.
Chargers: Leaving phone or device chargers plugged in wastes energy. Unplug them once your device is fully charged.
Water Heater: Water heaters can be energy hogs. Unplug them when not in use to cut costs.
Small steps like these can significantly reduce your monthly electricity bill.

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